1:1 Mental STrength & MINDSET MENTORING

Learn & Implement the MINDSETS + HEALTHy habitS + DAILY Routines that helped me:

* lose 100 lbs in 1 year * reach personal + professional goals *
* become the Healthiest + strongest version of myself *


45-Minute Weekly Strategy Calls
Setting Measurable Goals, Creating an Organized, Directional & Actionable Plan
Interrupting Old Patterns, Implementing Healthy New Habits & Practicing Consistency to Build A Sustainable Routine That Supports Your Lifestyle
Defining & Staying True to Your Values & Priorities
Getting Clear About Your WHY, PURPOSE & MOTIVATION
Creating Morning & Bedtime Routines & Starting and Ending Every Day with Gratitude!
+ Overcoming Thinking Errors, Focusing on Things You Can Control & Establishing Positive Affirmations to Replace Unhealthy Beliefs
Making Time for Self-Care
+ Time Blocking, Getting Organized & Ending Procrastination                                                         
Retaining Your Personal Power & Setting Healthy Boundaries 
+ Making Peace with the Past, Accepting & Overcoming Challenges & Viewing Adversity and Past Failures as Opportunities for Personal Growth
+ Strengthening Personal & Professional Relationships 
+ Escaping Your Comfort Zone & Daring Greatly